Common Foot Problems and How to Treat Them

When you have problems with your feet, they affect your entire body. It's hard to enjoy walking when your feet hurt. When you can't move without pain, it harms many other aspects of your life and health. If you have foot problems in Westbury, NY, Dr. John Kolberg of Westbury Foot Care has a full-service podiatric office and provides all the services you need. 

Heel pain

 Heel pain is a common foot problem and can be caused by several things. It is usually connected to the way that you walk. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of ligaments that run along the bottom of the foot (from the heel to the toes). When the plantar fascia is tight, it pulls on the heel. A heel spur is another potential cause of heel pain. If the pain is in the back of the heel, it could be Achilles tendonitis. OTC heel pads might help relieve some of the pain. If they aren't effective enough, your podiatrist can make custom orthotics for you. Surgery will be necessary in only a few cases. 


 Hammertoes can affect the second, third, and fourth toes. They’re what we call it when the toe bends at the second joint and resembles a hammer. This condition is most often caused by shoes that fit incorrectly. In the early stages, the joint remains flexible and correcting the issue is relatively easy. You'll need to get shoes that fit better and perform some simple exercises to strengthen the muscles in your foot. If the toe joint has become rigid, keep in mind that more serious foot problems in Westbury, NY, can still be solved with surgery. 

Diabetic feet

 If you have diabetes, you need to take especially good care of your feet. Diabetes may cause neuropathy, resulting in a loss of feeling in your feet due to nerve damage. This affects about 20 percent of people who suffer from diabetes. Another worrisome condition is poor circulation in the feet. Both of these problems can contribute to or exacerbate ulcers and infections which, if not treated, can lead to the loss of a foot or even worse consequences. 

Morton's neuroma

 Morton's neuroma is a growth of the nerve and usually develops between the second and third or third and fourth toes. It's not cancerous, but it feels like you are walking on a marble or pebble. This condition makes walking very uncomfortable and is more common in women than men. The first thing your podiatrist will suggest is orthotics, and the pain can be addressed with cortisone shots. Surgery is available if nothing else works. 

Contact Dr. Kolberg of Westbury Foot Care for all of your foot problems in Westbury, NY. Give our office a call at 516-338-8802 to make an appointment.

When you have problems with your feet, they affect your entire body. It's hard to enjoy walking when your feet hurt. When you can't move without pain, it harms many other aspects of your life and health. If you have foot problems in Westbury, NY, Dr. John Kolberg of Westbury Foot Care has a full-service podiatric office and provides all the services you need. 

Heel pain

 Heel pain is a common foot problem and can be caused by several things. It is usually connected to the way that you walk. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of ligaments that run along the bottom of the foot (from the heel to the toes). When the plantar fascia is tight, it pulls on the heel. A heel spur is another potential cause of heel pain. If the pain is in the back of the heel, it could be Achilles tendonitis. OTC heel pads might help relieve some of the pain. If they aren't effective enough, your podiatrist can make custom orthotics for you. Surgery will be necessary in only a few cases. 


 Hammertoes can affect the second, third, and fourth toes. They’re what we call it when the toe bends at the second joint and resembles a hammer. This condition is most often caused by shoes that fit incorrectly. In the early stages, the joint remains flexible and correcting the issue is relatively easy. You'll need to get shoes that fit better and perform some simple exercises to strengthen the muscles in your foot. If the toe joint has become rigid, keep in mind that more serious foot problems in Westbury, NY, can still be solved with surgery. 

Diabetic feet

 If you have diabetes, you need to take especially good care of your feet. Diabetes may cause neuropathy, resulting in a loss of feeling in your feet due to nerve damage. This affects about 20 percent of people who suffer from diabetes. Another worrisome condition is poor circulation in the feet. Both of these problems can contribute to or exacerbate ulcers and infections which, if not treated, can lead to the loss of a foot or even worse consequences. 

Morton's neuroma

 Morton's neuroma is a growth of the nerve and usually develops between the second and third or third and fourth toes. It's not cancerous, but it feels like you are walking on a marble or pebble. This condition makes walking very uncomfortable and is more common in women than men. The first thing your podiatrist will suggest is orthotics, and the pain can be addressed with cortisone shots. Surgery is available if nothing else works. 

Contact Dr. Kolberg of Westbury Foot Care for all of your foot problems in Westbury, NY. Give our office a call at 516-338-8802 to make an appointment.

John Kolberg, DPM


265 Post Avenue,
Suite 220,
Westbury, NY 11590-2258

